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Ana Muñoz, Pinkiller

"I draw and stuff"

Comic artist, illustrator, conceptartist, and character designer.

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Ana María Muñoz Bautista, born on October 27, 1997 in Elche, Alicante.

Degree in Fine Arts at the UPV.

Freelance artist.


The Boiler


Publication awaiting funding with the publisher Edicions Anònimes.

EL·LE (s) is a comic magazine with LGBTIQ content. Various visual artists will treat gender identity subjectively and from an everyday point of view. Shaping his vision through the sequential art of comics and illustration. The magazine will have dimensions of 17x24cm and about 50 pages approx.

Visit the link for more information.



The Halibut War

Mel & Greg


My end of grade project consists, on narrating the evolution and character arc of two protagonists through a comic, having as referents works by Rebecca Sugar, Rachel Smythe, Rarecho, Kabi Nagata or Raphael Bob-Waksberg. As these artists, I intend to portray characters with whom the public can identify and, through the development of these, can have a catharsis, touching readers, encouraging them to reflect. This story can be labelled within the slice of life genre.

To do so, it will be necessary to develop and give structure to a script, together with the production sketches and previous designs of the characters and their environment.

Both drawing and inking would be done traditionally, though cleaning and painting digitally some of its pages. Later, the result will be printed for distribution and sale.


Character design

Strata and Extracts

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Doris & Baly

You can find my work in the next social media.

  • Instagram - Negro Círculo
  • Twitter - Círculo Negro
  • Tumblr - Círculo Negro
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